Saturday, December 5, 2009

Its 4th December 2009,I will never forget.

Hmm..Its a very enjoyable day.We invited to watch movie together.Just both of us.Me and her lurh..I was first of all felt so happy,and i wonder what to do.She reached kinda early than me.and feel so paiseh that i made her waited me for 10min++..PaiseH>,<

After that,finally we reached..and we go and view the cinema movie schedule.OMG~~next movie start at bian..bought the ticket...then i jio her together go parkcity yam cha 1st.i drink mocha and she drink chocolate.haix..dunno wad to say.sigh.speaking nonsense.funny.~~>,<.And...the whole afternn,she keep smsing.I wonder who she smsing.T.T

ci-chat---ci-chat and it finally come to 3.25pm.i drove us back to citypoint lurh.She said chia me play driving game..k lurh.its funny.4rounds racing.we both drove 2rounds Only...wahahahahha...then both lose...she drove faster than jor.haix..paiseh si~~

kekekeke...then cinema door open jor..we walked in and sit to ours seats accordingly.

I stared at her..Gazing...she is so beautiful,cute,slim,delightful.She is a perfect girl,as to one to compare.She is just nice....i wonder wad do other ppl think of her.but to me..she is special.

Her impression has totally changed...She is a very nice looking girl.i can see plenty of guys stare at her...hehehe..pretty girl wa^^ wa...XD
She is CooL.i feel COLD,as the killing scene so terrifying.i hold her hands,and i feel hand is more cold than her.~~>,<....o
Later,the movie has finally come to an END.together,we walked to pasar malam.We bought Nothing>,<.Its 6pm.i fetch her home.
I would miss the moment when just me and her.Hmm...she is just so special. and there are so many things i wanna say that i wanna tell her heart to heart.everytime,i was craving for her sms reply.its has so much......I felt regret...coz i nvr told her i love her....
The only thing she left me is the pic that we took together in the cinema...haha.

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