Tuesday, January 3, 2017

4th January 2017

New Year Happening.

I prayed that this will be a better start for me. at least for myself.

I set up a few goals to achieve.

1. Think and do more for others. Less of myself. More of Others.
2. Plan and Do everything systematically.
3. Able to earn 5k a month.
4. Lose 10kg in 2017.
5. Found the right person.
6. Bring parents for a vacation.
7. Do devotion everyday.
8. Re-paint the house.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

24-4-2011 The feeling on a beloved girl

Hmm...i wonder how i shall describe this kinds of love or may be friendship. A girl who i loved for 8years. A girl who i supporting the most.A girl who i really really care no matter what. A girl who i really willing to help in every matter.A girl who i wish to spend with...which it means forever.even though she got a bf now.i still love her,and i wish her the happiness moment eva.=) just a very strong feeling to keep me on....because i love u.^_^

Friday, December 11, 2009


一生中,你会真的遇到很多很多男生/女生,但是你又怎么知道她/他是否又真的是你那命中注定的公主或王子?很多时候,很多对象告白,很多选择,有时亦不晓得接受谁好。很多时候,对象中又真的没有喜欢的人。有时候,喜欢的人又不喜欢自己。迟迟等着下一个的出现,一个又一个,原以为下一个会更好。等啊!等啊!最好的那一个,已经离开了。好男人/好女人 真的不多了。真正懂得爱你的,喜欢你的,明白你百分百的,世上又有几个人?
2008 年,大家都念学院或大学了。真的比较多讲话了。可能真的比较说得上话。第一次,聊比较多的话题,是国民服务的事。之后,她跟她最好的朋友发生大事。吵架咯!然后,我就主动关心她。一直到那次,还是对她保持朋友的边缘。后来,比较多的关心她。因为她给我的感觉就是很弱。她需要一个依靠。所以我比较多跟她说话。
那天,她好早就到戏院等我了。歹势~我迟到。错过了两点的戏。只能看3.45pm的咯。我请她看rain主演的ninja assassin。因为时间还早,我带她到mall去喝茶。不知道为什么看到她就紧张。真的好久没有看到她了。她好美,好漂亮,长长又亮丽的头发,好白好美的她。她好瘦哦!真的女大十八变。好美!
闲!聊很多好无聊的话题。嗨死!最后,我们赶在戏开始前赶到。好紧张哦!我的手冷死了。我去碰她的手。很热下>.<。她的手,让人很舒服的感觉。很小很软的感觉^^。5.30pm,看完电影,我们到pasar malam走走。没有要吃的东西。真的有点晚了,我就载她回家了。那天,发生了好糗的事。不过,这就是我跟他的秘密…

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Its 4th December 2009,I will never forget.

Hmm..Its a very enjoyable day.We invited to watch movie together.Just both of us.Me and her lurh..I was first of all felt so happy,and i wonder what to do.She reached kinda early than me.and feel so paiseh that i made her waited me for 10min++..PaiseH>,<

After that,finally we reached..and we go and view the cinema movie schedule.OMG~~next movie start at 3.45pm.....Errr....bo bian..bought the ticket...then i jio her together go parkcity yam cha 1st.i drink mocha and she drink chocolate.haix..dunno wad to say.sigh.speaking nonsense.funny.~~>,<.And...the whole afternn,she keep smsing.I wonder who she smsing.T.T

ci-chat---ci-chat and it finally come to 3.25pm.i drove us back to citypoint lurh.She said chia me play driving game..k lurh.its funny.4rounds racing.we both drove 2rounds Only...wahahahahha...then both lose...she drove faster than me...win jor.haix..paiseh si~~

kekekeke...then cinema door open jor..we walked in and sit to ours seats accordingly.

I stared at her..Gazing...she is so beautiful,cute,slim,delightful.She is a perfect girl,as to me..no one to compare.She is just nice....i wonder wad do other ppl think of her.but to me..she is special.

Her impression has totally changed...She is a very nice looking girl.i can see plenty of guys stare at her...hehehe..pretty girl wa^^

hahaha..gd wa...XD
She is CooL.i feel COLD,as the killing scene so terrifying.i hold her hands,and i feel tat....hahahaha.my hand is more cold than her.~~>,<....o
Later,the movie has finally come to an END.together,we walked to pasar malam.We bought Nothing>,<.Its 6pm.i fetch her home.
I would miss the moment when just me and her.Hmm...she is just so special. and there are so many things i wanna say that i wanna tell her heart to heart.everytime,i was craving for her sms reply.its has so much......I felt regret...coz i nvr told her i love her....
The only thing she left me is the pic that we took together in the cinema...haha.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

The little gaL wH0 selling Bread(卖面包的小女孩)

This make me thought of a story of a little girl who selling the matches. en...I kinda a person who love to go out window-shopping but somehow..i also v lazy.~XD
Everytime i went out shopping,to joy,to walk around...before i back to hostel.For sure,i will buy a loaf of bread from the little gal store...i dun lie..the barkely she works, the bread i bought..and taste..is the most awesome,delicious bread ever. Its called " MILK & BUTTER Bread".Its cheap and 12 thick slices for RM2.50 Only oH....I'm Lovin It.~^^
that little gal..is kind of charming,cute,delightful,thin and sort of pretty.well,she dun seems to b so attractive..but i juz like to look at her..i feel tat hardship brings succeed.Life never comes easy.Everyone have to face all kinds of ostables and hardship. there many gaps to break into and to overcome.I wonder...if at the 1st, i choose to work 1st...wad will i b now.Sometimes,if a person do himself/herself just that in a dull.well,life shall b no challeges.i wonder if that is an another kind of happiness.
SOmetimes,I do prefer Blog to express my feeling.But...i do usually prefer staying alone.Every Page of blog show how heavy my feeling is..if u understand me ..^^...

ENd OF Blog

Monday, August 3, 2009

My heart Feeling

I feel really tired after 1 year++. Thousands of trials, challenges. I cant hit myself, control to prevent on it. Just too many personal affairs, incidents happened, i scared perhaps 1 day i might not catch a single breath to hold it on. I tried myself to act happy, rejoice, but its really hard. Sometimes i feel that no one aside to support me myself. I hate myself. Lonely inside. Perhaps, SOme days..i will find a way to end myself just like that.